Dear Persephone
Written by Islaya Sirius Osiris
I know our relationship
Didn’t start off
The best way
With me sweeping you off your feet
Sorry about that
Blame it on your dad
I do
Sometimes I forget
How we began
To be honest
It’s been so long
And yet I remember
The first time you called
Spot a good boy
That’s the moment
I knew
That I could trust you
All three rambunctious heads
Love you
Somehow you could get
The outer two to be nicer
To the middle one
Somehow able to give
Them enough ear scritches
That they don’t get jealous
For the most part
I can’t say the same
For myself
Not always
I miss you
I miss the way
Your hair gracefully
Crashes across our pillows
Like a crimson wave
Reminding me of home
I can tell you what
I don’t miss though
While you’re away
Helping your mother
At least she isn’t sending
Hermes with his lyre
You know how he gets
When he’s drunk
Going on and on about
The good ole days
I have had to resist
Giving that darn stringed instrument
To Spot as a toy
Too many times to count
Sometimes I do hide it though
When he's off
Taunting spirits
You’d think by now
That Demeter would be
Used to y’alls time apart
Me thinks a twisted thought
And wonders if maybe
She might be the one
To blame for what the
Mortals call climate change
You know?
To maybe get more
Time with you
Maybe she gets jealous
Of our relationship
Because let’s be honest
Your parents don’t exactly
Represent the ideal romance
But I can feel the change
The crisp in the air
Plus some of my charges
Are appearing a bit
More dressed up than usual
It’s that time of year when
The veil gets thinner and
I know you’ll be in my arms
So so soon
I’ve really got to get
Around to cleaning up
All the piles of dog hair
Which reminds me
Some old spider soul
Some sort of weaver
And spinner
Told me that I should
Try to make yarn
Out of it all
I miss your stories
My dear
I love you
Until we embrace again