Loving the Moon
Written by Kaura Grande
Image: “Moon Goddess” by John Dunkelberg
Model: Lyla Moon
I: Our Love Was Safe
Our love was safest when the Jade Rabbit
came out
his light illuminating the dark sky.
It was then that we would trace our fingers
letting them linger
on the napes of necks and tips of lips.
We could entwine our limbs, a mess of
arms and legs
a lovers’ embrace guided by the moon.
Only there, in the subtle darkness
could our love
hold no limits and our hearts could be one.
II: If You Were the Moon
If you were the moon
I would beg that Jade Rabbit
to trade places with me
I would stay forever in the night sky
letting our love shine bright
for the whole world to see
If you were the moon
I would settle on
being a star
I would watch your glorious light
shine bright, glowing wildly
from afar
If you were the moon
I would settle for being
on the ground
I would blow you a kiss
each night, arms spread wide
ready to wrap around
If you were the moon
I would love all
of your moods
I would love you at your fullest
and I would
loved you when you had been subdued
My love, if you were the moon...
III: A Way to Breathe
When you left a moon-shaped hole
opened in my stomach and
spread to my chest
I had spent years learning to love you
only to find out that that love was
not enough
I could never be the Jade Rabbit
I loved you selfishly not selflessly and
used loving you as a way to breathe
IV: Saying Goodbye to the Moon
It was ironic that when you left me
it was in the brightness of morning
but the clouds covered the sun
it was like they wanted to give us a chance
to remain in the dark for a moment’s beat more
before our worlds came crashing down
I had to say goodbye to my moon
and I didn’t know how
so I bowed my head to your lips
wrapped my arms around your frame
closed my eyes and when they opened
I looked only to the sun