Just Until Morning
Written by Kaura Grande
Photographed and modeled by Rachel Leanne DeLaurenti (with Chunky the Rabbit)
Hair and Makeup by Kelsey Colburn
You were always the moon to me
I would wait for the Jade Rabbit
to come out so you would too
because that was when our love was safest
cast away the complexity of colors
bathed only in blacks and grays
easy on the eyes
our hands would trace every
finding trails we never knew existed
guided only by the faint white light
pushing its way through the curtains
we didn’t close all the way
lips on lips
on necks
on shoulders
hand in hand
entwined so that I didn’t know where I ended
and you began
hushed voices and silent smiles
I would make promises to that rabbit
begging him to never leave the sky
but the Jade Rabbit doesn’t bargain
with selfish demands
and as he dipped lower in the sky
you slipped away
a love not quite strong enough
to make it to the morning